Weekend Long Read: American Sports Are Letting Down America.

As fans, we can only hope and pray that these feckless leaders will reconsider their embrace of the BLM cult—a necessary first step to returning American sports to what it has been in the past: a force for unity and a model of a diverse and colorblind meritocracy.

Reckoning The Full Costs Of Endless War.

Even if we were to exclude Syria from the list of U.S. wars, that would still leave the U.S. bearing at least partial responsibility for wars that have displaced 30 million people since 2001. That is a staggering number, and it is one that we cannot forget when we talk about ending endless wars.

Predicting The Future? 2021 Could Be A Lot Worse Than 2020.

Periodically in Western history twilight ages make their appearance. Processes of decline and erosion of institutions are more evident than those of genesis and development. Something like a vacuum obtains in the moral order for large numbers of people.

The Politicization Of Everything: A Ransom Note From Your Kids’ School.

Please think about what was said. It reads as kind of a ransom note. Vote for science-reverent candidate Joe Biden, or else….Really, what else could the utterance mean? What does November 3rd have to do with re-opening schools? Why would it be safer to open on the 4th of November versus the present?

California’s Destruction Can Be Summed Up In The Hypocrisies And Paradoxes Of Its Bankrupt Elite.

How long can a state suffer the rich Bourbons of the Bay Area? As long as its brave nobodies still drive ’dozers right into conflagrations to create lifesaving fire breaks, as long as unheralded pilots fly blind into smoke to drop fire retardant, and as long as there is something left for the parasitical elite of the rich inheritance from California’s brilliant and industrious but now long-dead past.

Economics For Individuals: Save Like A Pessimist, Invest Like An Optimist.

Compounding is easy to underestimate because it’s not intuitive, even for smart people. If the odds are in your favor and you can keep them in your favor for a long time, you shouldn’t just be an optimist. You should be a ridiculous, full-blown, giddy optimistic. Which is also what history tells us, isn’t it?

About The Center For Individualism

The Center for Individualism exists to revive individualism in America. We seek to be a catalyst for cultural change and a hub for all who aspire to live a self-reliant life. We produce content, curate resources, provide services, and facilitate relationships that empower people to achieve their personal and economic ambitions. Our purpose is to support individuals in building a better life for themselves – and in so doing, to build a better society for all.

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