Don’t Pay Taxes. Buy Things That You Want The Government To Do.

Many difficulties of coordination remain. But it’s interesting to think of just what can be accomplished even on this modest scale. Many of the problems of unaccountability in bureaucracy are solved, because the activities and prices are private bids.

Can Western Governments Still Govern? It’s Looking Increasingly Unlikely.

The debate now over socialism versus capitalism conceals the cruder reality that the parties of the left—whether in the U.S., U.K., Germany or the nation-state of California—have come to regard the private sector as an alien tribe whose only function is to finance the public machinery that runs welfare, health and now climate protocols.

The Market Is A Vast Network Of People Being Kind To Other People.

Countless minds and countless hands have contributed to the slow march of civilization and helped to create a modern world in which I can perform innumerable operations closed off to previous generations without thinking about them. As Russell Roberts put it, “Love locally, trade globally.” As it gets easier to do the latter, it gets easier to do the former.

Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Fueled Bernie Sanders To Wealth Success.

Today, Sanders rakes in $174,000 every year from serving in the upper chamber Senate. He has earned $2,248,500 in his 12 years there and had earned $2,272,500 from his 16 years in the House, so federal taxpayers have financed his life to the tune of more than $4.5 million.

About The Center For Individualism

The Center for Individualism exists to revive individualism in America. We seek to be a catalyst for cultural change and a hub for all who aspire to live a self-reliant life. We produce content, curate resources, provide services, and facilitate relationships that empower people to achieve their personal and economic ambitions. Our purpose is to support individuals in building a better life for themselves – and in so doing, to build a better society for all.

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