The World Is Getting Quietly, Relentlessly Better.

If the world is getting so much better, why does everyone seem so miserable? Perhaps because in the U.S., life is improving more slowly than in poorer countries, and in some places it is getting worse. Yet for most Americans, life is getting better: Median incomes are rising, average health is improving, and violent crime, divorce and teen pregnancy are all trending down.

The Classical Roman Consul Who Inspired America’s Classical Liberal Constitution

After four months of debate and compromise in the 1787 sweltering heat of Independence Hall, Publius published 77 essays in New York City newspapers to sell Americans on the idea of ratifying the new Constitution. It is the most enduring achievement of the Enlightenment, and under its decentralized structure, it has proven itself to be the example for human flourishing throughout the world.

The 7 Negative Emotions Of Social Justice Warriors.

SJWs are always angry and almost never genuinely happy or content. There's always something or someone out there who must be "resisted" in some way. Around such people, no trash can is safe from being picked up and hurled in a fit of anger if someone you don't like is about to give a speech at the local university. 

The Father of Classical Liberalism Whose Ideas Are Inscribed In Our Souls

John Locke had a precise sense of what political freedom means. Natural law dictates that no one can be legitimately subject to the will of another person or group of people. Through reason, Locke proved that no one is born to serve or rule. Legitimate government protects these rights, and is created by the consent of the governed. As the Enlightenment flowered in the 18th century because of modern science and maritime trade, Locke's sense of natural law was enshrined in America's Declaration of Independence.

The “Green New Deal”: Green Socialism Is Still Socialism.

What has been proposed is nothing less than the destruction of the fossil-fuel-based energy industries which have long been the lifeblood of capitalism.  All houses and businesses are to be “upgraded” in terms of their energy use by thousands, or tens of thousands, of government bureaucrats who would presumably go door to door to enforce the state’s energy-use mandates. 

The Dominican Friar Who Introduced the Western World to Western Civilization.

St. Thomas Aquinas combined the classical Greek ideal of reason with the Christian ideal of equality to usher the Catholic Church, and humanity, into the Age of Reason. Metaphorically, he invented water - what we know as the Western ideals of personal liberty, self-reliance, invention, tolerance, and limited government. The ensuing prosperity from human creativity is Poetic Justice.

About The Center For Individualism

The Center for Individualism exists to revive individualism in America. We seek to be a catalyst for cultural change and a hub for all who aspire to live a self-reliant life. We produce content, curate resources, provide services, and facilitate relationships that empower people to achieve their personal and economic ambitions. Our purpose is to support individuals in building a better life for themselves – and in so doing, to build a better society for all.

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