Are You Entrepreneurial? Self-Assess These 8 Attributes.

The emergent technologies of A.I., cloud computing, and global talent and commerce platforms will place increased demands on each of us to define our specialist value, specialist skills and specialist contribution in the interconnected global economy. These are the aptitudes required to meet those demands.

The Future Of Work Will Be What You Make It. 8 Principles To Follow.

We can all ask ourselves the individual entrepreneur's questions: Who Am I? What Do I Know? Who Do I Know? What Are My Resources? How Do I Contribute? How Do I Serve Others? Technology will be an augmenting factor, helping the individual to answer these questions and support the action plan that emerges.

How Permissionless Innovation Is Making Health Care Affordable

The more government involves itself in health care, the harder it becomes to find quality services at affordable prices. As the state has inserted itself more heavily into the health sector over the last several years, many Americans are left searching for alternatives to traditional services.

Most Americans Disapprove Of Our Decayed Institutions. (So Let’s Innovate.)

Spontaneous order is the happy result that emerges as the best outcome for all participants when there is no government, no hierarchy, no control and no central direction, just a few general rules that apply to everyone equally. When systems are left to operate under these conditions, order emerges. There's now a process that captures the concept: inverse design.

The Sunk Cost Fallacy and the Price of Foreign Policy

There are innumerable reasons to oppose any continuation or escalation of the American occupation of Afghanistan. But disregarding the most important deterrent, the loss of human life, and even more specifically, innocent civilian life, there is one economic principle that screams out from the text of a recent Trump’s speech on America’s involvement in Afghanistan: The sunk cost fallacy.

When Musicians Feud, Consumers Are the Real Winners

Last week, Taylor Swift’s new album officially became available on all streaming platforms. This may not seem like exciting news. After all, most albums are available on Spotify. And, the album was already released for purchase almost a month earlier.

Networking And Knowing: What Digital Entrepreneurs Do.

Digital entrepreneurs - "inno-mediaries" - are shaping markets as they create the new ways of developing, diffusing and using knowledge, and new ways to generate and promote innovation. They encourage new innovators to enter into the co-creation of innovation by enabling new practices through the use of diverse resources.

Preface: Why I Chose to Live-Blog The Road to Serfdom

There can be no denying the important role that F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom has played on the study of free market economics. And while the book is responsible for swaying public opinion and presenting an alternative to centrally planned economies, the book was written in such a way that may be hard for many modern readers to comprehend. And many suspect that Hayek may have actually intended the book to be this way.

The Fight Continues: Keynes and Hayek on Spending

John Maynard Keynes and F.A. Hayek were both influential men of their time. But, as discussed in the first two parts of this series, they both had very different views on how the economy should operate.

About The Center For Individualism

The Center for Individualism exists to revive individualism in America. We seek to be a catalyst for cultural change and a hub for all who aspire to live a self-reliant life. We produce content, curate resources, provide services, and facilitate relationships that empower people to achieve their personal and economic ambitions. Our purpose is to support individuals in building a better life for themselves – and in so doing, to build a better society for all.

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