Pundits Believe In Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: That by Predicting Recession They Can Create One.

The current economic environment—low and declining interest rates, stable prices, modest quarter-to-quarter economic growth, the absence of wars abroad—does not suggest a recession-oriented climate. Recessions typically occur in settings of rapid economic growth and rising interest rates, combined with overly bullish forecasts for stocks and business profits. That’s not the situation today.

Ludwig van Beethoven – The First Rock Star and Software Pioneer Who Set the Stage for the Romantic Era

While the printing press was changing the world, printed music was new because it was more difficult to create. Also, mass produced pianos were taking hold, and Beethoven saw the possibilities for being the first software publisher for this new hardware. As first mover to reach mass audiences, Beethoven stumbled across an abstract concept that had not yet been named: capitalism. For the first time in history, large swaths of humanity would soon enjoy the comforts previously reserved for royal court.

The Economics Of Recycling: Is It A Valuable Commodity Or Is It Garbage?

The message I had expected to be controversial, was old hat to the industry folks. But it was beside the point, because recycling was for them a moral imperative. Once you begin to think of recycling as a symbol of religious devotion rather than a pragmatic solution to environmental problems, the whole thing makes more sense.

Bernie Sanders And The Left Get Morality 100% Wrong.

Contrast that with how the government would react if you decided to stop paying taxes because you don’t like the services it offers and provides in return. Agents of the government would descend upon you and threaten fines and imprisonment – resorting to physical assault if necessary – if you didn’t obey.

Making Money Is A Patriotic Act.

The businesses we created have employed hundreds of thousands of Americans. We have paid tens of billions of dollars in wages and contributed hundreds of billions to U.S. gross domestic product, and made the tens of millions of Americans who use our products and services better off. The Home Depot lowered hardware prices across the country.

It Is Perfectly Possible To Cut Government Spending. Learn How One State In Brazil Moved Into The Black.

Brazil’s fiscal incontinence is legendary. The number of civil servants grew by 60% between 1995 and 2016, to 12m. Since public-sector workers cannot be fired or have their pay cut, they become a permanent expense once hired. Nearly 80% of government spending in Brazil goes on salaries and pensions. “Instead of a state that serves the public, you have a state that serves the state."

Trump Is Right: The Health Of The Economy Lies In Production, Not Consumption.

Trump talks “GO-talk” when he makes speeches about the jobs that have been lost to globalist trade policies, and when he talks about bringing manufacturing back to the USA. The globalists did great harm to the US economy by assuming that production could be shifted to low-cost labor countries while the American consumer took care of global consumption.

The Economics Professor Who Discovered the Only Natural Resource That Matters

The most important economic effect of population growth is the contribution of additional people to our stock of knowledge. This contribution is more than large enough to overcome the costs of population growth. The problem is not too many people, but lack of political and economic freedom. Profit is the only route to sustainability, it is up to entrepreneurs to save the world.

About The Center For Individualism

The Center for Individualism exists to revive individualism in America. We seek to be a catalyst for cultural change and a hub for all who aspire to live a self-reliant life. We produce content, curate resources, provide services, and facilitate relationships that empower people to achieve their personal and economic ambitions. Our purpose is to support individuals in building a better life for themselves – and in so doing, to build a better society for all.

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